Cecilia D’Cunha  (née Correa) (95),   wife of the late Cyprian D’Cunha of Padil; mother of the late Robert/Hazel; the late Philomena/the late Wilfred Monteiro; Nelly/Leo D’Souza; the late Joslin; Raphael/Leena and Norbert/Sujatha; Grandmother of Jawahar, Jean, Jeevan, Reshma, Ryan, Leera, Linece, Rolwyn, Rohan, Sonal and Nishitha;  great grandmother of Ashna, Jeramie, Seanna, Adalyn, Leroy, Ronell, Bralen and Brylinn, passed away on Tuesday, January 23, 2024.  

Funeral cortège leaves residence   ‘Ralen Dale’,   at 9.30 am,  on Saturday, January 27,   for Guardian Angel Church, Anjelore, Mangalore,   followed by funeral Mass at 10.00 am.


Condolences  :

98444 23169  (Norbert)

98453 55039  (Raphael)